Once the car is secured and delivered, after another cutscene, the player needs to examine the Contracts Job Board (but does not need to immediately undertake a Contract) before the property becomes fully functional, with access to all features and customizations bought by the player upon purchasing the property. If the player is the driver they claim to be it should be easy, but if not, the two will just take their business elsewhere. Players must be registered as a VIP, Organization CEO or MC Club President to activate the setup job, although a Public Free Mode Lobby is not required. The player is required to complete the setup mission Setup: Impounded Car, which involves retrieving Sessanta's Tailgater S, that she was driving at the meet, from the police and bring it back to the shop. Kenny explains how he watched Sessanta do impressive engine work on a V6 and an inline 8, and also trusts her first impression with people: the player will need to impress the pair and they just so happen to have the perfect job. Heading upstairs and recalling meeting the player at the LS Car Meet, Sessanta express doubt that their new partner looks much like a driver.

and Sessanta then enter, pleased with the space but not seeing their new business partner, begin flirting heavily until the amused player announces their presence by ringing the wrench on the steel stair railing. Upon entry, the Online protagonist takes a quick look around the shop floor, finding an abandoned open-end wrench on the floor and twirling it, heads up the stairs to the mezzanine.